Issues & Priorities
At its best, Washington--and Ward 6 in particular--offers residents an exciting environment, diverse community, and convenient lifestyle. Here we enjoy the possibility of "five-minute living," where most everything we need, as well as a rich variety of cultural amenities, is within a short walk or transit ride of our homes. Some of us already have it. Tommy's vision is to build a city that provides that experience for everyone--singles, families, children, and seniors, no matter their background or income.
Progress toward truly livable and walkable communities in Ward 6 and throughout the District continues--despite our economic challenges--precisely because our efforts are not taken alone. Rather, they are the outgrowth of our collective, comprehensive vision for our city that includes:
Transportation Innovation: Tommy is working to expand bicycle facilities, transit options, and safer pedestrian access for people of all ages--and build a new generation of streetcars that connects our neighborhoods to retail and restaurants, starting with the H Street NE corridor. These innovations are improving our quality of life while reducing our carbon footprint.
Neighborhood Amenities: Tommy is a champion of our ward's vigorous arts community as well as the new recreation center and library in Rosedale and retail expansion on H Street NE, along Massachusetts Avenue NW, in Southwest and around Nationals Park. Together, Tommy and the citizens of Ward 6 are building a dynamic community that embraces and celebrates its unique character.
Diverse and Welcoming Community: We celebrate the diversity that continually renews and energizes our city. Tommy proudly supported our new Marriage Equality law and looks forward to our city honoring all committed relationships as the law takes effect.
Educational Excellence: All students must be able to attend a quality school in their own neighborhood, and every day we move closer to that goal. To expand on the unprecedented renaissance of our Ward 6 elementary schools, Tommy has partnered with DC Public Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee to drive middle school improvements and reinvent Eastern High School--so it can once again live up to its motto, "the Pride of Capitol Hill.
Safe Neighborhoods: While crime on the streets has decreased in recent years, no level of crime is acceptable. Through close coordination and partnership with MPD Chief Cathy Lanier, Tommy has supported the city's rapid response when crime spikes. He is also working to implement Juvenile Crime Task Force recommendations to reduce the number of days a youth can skip school and break down confidentiality barriers that block early intervention and community accountability for juvenile crime.?