
Mon., Apr. 28, 2014
Budget Oversight Hearing: CJDT; OHR; DMPSJ; OAH; and HSEMA

The Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety will convene budget performance oversight hearings for the on the "Fiscal Year 2015 Proposed Budget and Financial Plan, Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Support Act of 2014, Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Request Act 0f 2014" for the Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure (CJDT); Office of Human Rights (OHR); Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice (DMPSJ); Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH); and Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (HSEMA).

Location: 1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Room 120
When: 10:00 AM
Ends: 5:00 PM

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