
Thu., May. 23, 2013
Public Hearing: Personal Property Robbery Prevention

The Committee on the Judciary and Public Safety will recieve public comments on Bill 20-143, the “Personal Property Robbery Prevention Amendment Act of 2013 Bill 20-143, would establish a procedure for the Chief of Police to designate and provide notice of high offense contraband, require licensed businesses to maintain records on purchase of high offense contraband, and allow police access to those records. The bill also would amend the Office of Administrative Hearings Establishment Act to include within its jurisdiction post-deprivation hearings within 72 hours of a business license revocation, suspension, or restriction; and amend Title 47 of the District of Columbia Official Code to enable the Chief of Police to request the revocation, suspension, or restriction of a business license where the business is involved with high offense contraband.

Location: 1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Room 412
When: 11:30 AM
Ends: 4:00 PM

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