
Thu., May. 16, 2013
Public Hearing: JaParker Deoni Jones Birth Certificate

The Committee on Health, and the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety, wil receive testimony on Bill 20-142, which would to amend the Vital Records Act of 1981 to require the Registrar to issue a new certificate of birth designating a new gender for any individual who provides a written request and signed affidavit from a licensed health-care provider that the individual has undergone a gender transition; to require that an original certificate be sealed when a new certificate of birth is issued; and to amend section 16-2501 of the District of Columbia Official Code to exempt an individual from the publication notification requirement for a name change that is requested in conjunction with a request to change the individual’s gender designation.

Location: 1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Room 412
When: 11:00 AM
Ends: 4:00 PM

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